Wow, it’s been a crazy Q2 for us, with 8 new school solars systems commissioned, 7 of the schools fully wired along with wiring of 6 boarding hostels and 41 teachers’ homes. Yes a lot of prep in Q1, but not bad considering it took us 10 years to do 23 projects. Below is a short video with some of those project details – some nice drone shots in there as well.  Yes – surprise for Rob it is short – less than 2 minutes.

Here are links to the schools and project specifications:

Naiviivi Primary  Beqa Yanuca Secondary    Malolo District School     Ratu Lalabalavu Secondary    Rakua Raviravi Primary    Sawau District School     Uluinakorovatu Primary    Yanuca Island School

Thank you all again for your support. It is much appreciated and you are making a real difference.

Also, thanks Solar Cutters for the nice surprise! The Cutters are donating a portion of all memberships to Its Time. If you are not a member – check them out at!

Best regards

Rob Edwards, Founder