Due to the immediate success of this concept, we redesigned the raffle system so each club is presented on its own unique page (rather than a dropdown selection to choose a club – details of the change over are here). The content of this information page changed on 28 Sept. please consider below.

“Cancelled BBQs, trivia nights and such are hitting we rotarians hard and more than ever we are looking for new fundraising ideas.   Here’s one your club can use for its own projects, with little effort and no cost to the club. As a bonus you help give kids on remote islands a modern solar powered education. 

While it’s a neat opportunity during COVID limitations, this benefits your club indefinitely because the raffle renews every quarter. So, you have a permanent, no effort, fundraiser to the side of your other fundraising activities. The video and notes below will get you in the picture.”

Rob Edwards OAM, Its Time Founder and Rotarian.


How it works

Its Time Foundation has a well established system of raffling donated resort holidays. Once your club registers (see form below) you can use that to raise funds for your club, without buying or needing to manage the prize. Here are the key points to consider:


  • 50% of revenue is deposited into your club’s account – within two weeks after the end of each month.
  • 40% goes to Its Time Foundation solar schools projects and 10% to Plastic Free Oceans
  • All tickets are purchased online. So, 1. it’s COVID friendly 2. No physical effort by members to sell tickets – simply share your club’s unique page. 3. No minimum amount needs to be sold. 4. No upfront or any other payment is required by your club.
  • Submit your details below. We verify the information, then you receive a link to your unique page and you start fundraising.  Here are some live club examples.
  • As well as all your usual channels to promote the raffle, consider engaging the people who otherwise would have supported your cancelled events – it’s a simple and positive opportunity to recoup some of those COVID losses.
  • After ticket purchase the web page and receipt email directs people to your website – perhaps a new member or two will be a bonus.
  • A new raffle prize is added every quarter, so any messaging you send to your network will indefinitely be working to raise funds for your club (you do not need to do anything). You will be notified of new details each January, April, July and October. Of course, we can switch off your page at your request.
  • The prizes are transferable and ticket buyers can edit a gift certificate. So, you can promote it as a gift opportunity to also engage those not interested in an island holiday.
  • Your club is welcome to consider the solar schools projects as a club project. The projects deliver on Rotary’s education and new sustainability areas of focus. Tick the box in the form and you will receive updates, images and videos to share with  members – it’s a good story. Updates sent after new installations. Learn more from videos below. Please note, there is no need for a direct contribution, your support of the raffle for your own purposes helps us anyway.


The details

  • Costs are 5% for card, platform development and accounting, but ticket buyers have the option to cover costs.  So, we expect that costs be less than 3% – your monthly report will show the exact percentage. Please note, commercial raffle platforms costs usually exceed 6% and you need to buy and manage the prize. For clubs outside Australia Its Time will absorb the $15 currency transfer fee (on the OFX platform) – some receiving banks change a small additional fee at your end.
  • For transparency, you receive a monthly report with summary data and a list of all ticket sales displaying: date, no. tickets, buyer’s name (they have the option to remain anonymous) and receipt number.  While we have a strong relationship and trust with Rotary this report provides practical assurance – we would leave ourselves highly exposed if we omitted a sale.  In addition, from 10 October, your nominated club contacts will have real time access to your club’s report console – you can see immediately every sale.
  • While unlikely, should Rotarians or their friends stray to our general raffle page we have added a question in the purchase form: “Where did you hear about us?”. If relates to your club we will manually link the sale.
  • Here is a button/image you may wish to use in newsletters, web page and/or social media posts.
  • Its Time Foundation is a fully registered charity – click for details. Please note, because tickets buyers gain a benefit (the chance of winning) ticket sales are not considered (by Australian Tax Office laws) to be tax deductible.
  • Raffles are managed on the Sustainable Social platform – a wholly owned initiative of Its Time Foundation. It provides a low cost, quality system to host the raffle with unique pages for each club. We also use it for the financial management of our business partner program – so it’s a well established tool.

Use the form to register your club and we look forward to working with you on this simple fundraiser.  Should you require more information please contact us. Rob, is happy to zoom into a club committee meeting to answer questions.


Register your club

[caldera_form id=”CF61344f5d099bb”]